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Deep Tissue Massage Types
We Offer in Guadalajara
Also you can combine one or more massages with a massage gift certificates Guadalajara
The pressure applied to the person varies according to the type of massage that is being provided. For example, only in the relaxing massages it’s sought that the maneuvers and techniques are applied in a smooth and more superficial way.
On the other hand, if you are looking to relax your muscles or help the relief of some deep muscle discomfort or spasm, you the therapist may need to apply deep pressure onto the specific points. In the case of a sports massage, the therapist may apply muscular stretching.
Whatever the kind of your Deep Tissue Massage in Guadalajara you are looking for, the main objective is to obtain your physical and mental relaxation. For best results, please follow the suggestions below as well as talk to our therapist before the session begins so you can provide information regarding any existing conditions you may have.

- Personal Grooming: It’s advised to bathe before your massage therapy.
- Eating: It is best to receive your massage therapy at least 1 hour after eating.
- Intoxicant Substances: It is best to receive your massage while sober and not under the influence of any drugs.
- Skin Lesions: If you have psoriasis, an active herpes outbreak or any other skin lesion, please notify to your therapist of the affected areas.
- Surgeries: If you have had any surgery recently, mention it to your therapist.
- Situations in which a Massage CAN NOT BE APPLIED:
- Fever or Flu: If you have fever or flu, its better to refrain from receiving a therapeutic massage.
- Pregnancy First Trimester: During the first trimester of pregnancy, a relaxing massage can not be applied. For subsequent trimesters can be applied with your doctors’ consent.
- Medical Injuries: If you have some fracture, fissure and / or sprain a massage can not be applied to the affected area.
- Medical Permission: If you suffer from the following diseases, you need medical persmission: Diabetes, Hypertension, degenerative diseases or any other chronic diseases it’s advisable to obtain an opinion or permission from your doctor to receive a therapeutic massage.
- Cancellations: If you have to cancel or re-schedule your appointment, please call us at (33) 21-52-24-05 with 6 hours in advance.
- Hydration: Because a therapeutic massage helps you remove toxins from the body, it’s important to drink water after your therapy to discard the toxins.
- Clothing: Because Relaxing Massages produces heat in the muscles, it’s advisable to use warm clothes after your therapy.
- Follow-up: If the massage is being applied in an area of the body that requires several sessions, it’s advisable to schedule them at the intervals indicated by the therapist in order to get the most benefit from massage therapy.
Please call us or schedule an appointment today
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